Tuesday, December 21, 2021

 Finally finished my Bauhaus troopers. A real slog it was. Glad it's over. But I can't help to really really like them painted up. A little goofy and rough minis they painted up real well. Can't wait to get the Imperials painted up. Only 40 to go...While waiting for the paint to dry I started painting my cave troll I had a long while. A great model and now an almost 20 year old classis. Can't believe the lotr movies were released 20 years ago. Still haven't finish my lotr Elves as I planned to do in 2001. Must be my longest to do project yet. My coming projects are to assemble the imperials, paint the Chamond tank and keep waiting for those DkoK dudes. And I can't wait for the Warhammer sneak peaks I've been seeing on facebook. Might we get a chaos vs Eldar box? Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you get some plastic in your presents! Cheers