Saturday, June 22, 2024

My Afrikakorps I've been working on for a while. Using mainly Contrast to get a quick result. The bases will be done with Armageddon dunes and some tufts.
My poxwalker project is also going forward. Mainly contrast here to get a nicer result. Easier to use contrast for blending the skintones. Got 60+ to paint but I like the result so far so it's a fun project to work on. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

A real mix on my workbench right now. Germans and an Eldar Avatar from the 90s. Did not have the courage to paint the avatar until now since it's quite a daunting model sizewise and colour wise. But decided on a basecoat of Contrast Blood angels red then just a simple paintjob on the details. The hair is to be painted, matt coat to seal the model and gloss varnish on the gems to make them shine. The germans are the Warlord ones with a stratchbuilt AT rifle team.